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The producer-consumer problem is a classic synchronization problem in concurrent programming. It involves two types of processes or threads: producers and consumers. Producers generate data items, and consumers consume or process these data items. The challenge is to coordinate the activities of producers and consumers in a way that ensures data integrity and avoids issues such as race conditions, data corruption, and deadlock.
Problem Statement:
There is a shared buffer or queue that can hold a limited number of items.
Producers generate items and add them to the buffer.
Consumers remove items from the buffer and process them.
Producers and consumers must access the buffer in a mutually exclusive manner to avoid race conditions.
Producers must wait if the buffer is full, and consumers must wait if the buffer is empty.
mutex : binary semaphore used in to acquire lock on buffer.
empty : a counting semaphore to track empty slots { initially n }.
full : counting semaphore tracks the slots filled { initially 0 }.
Producer :
Consumer :